Sunday, January 19, 2014

[no-en] Klar Tale: Flere sjefer tiltalt for korrupsjon


Note: The Norwegian National Authority for Investigation and Prosecution of Economic and Environmental Crime (ØKOKRIM) is the central unit for investigation and prosecution of economic and environmental crime, and the main source of specialist skills for the police and the prosecuting authorities in their combat against crime of this kind.
More here:

TATT: Thorbjørn Enger som er til høyre på bildet, er tiltalt for å ha betalt bestikkelser.

Han var konsernsjef i Yara før.

Flere sjefer tiltalt for korrupsjon

Økokrim har etterforsket selskapet Yara i flere år.

Nå er til sammen fire sjefer tiltalt for korrupsjon.

Publisert: 17. januar

Oppdatert: I går kl. 18:25 Maren Gjelvik

Onsdag ble selskapet Yara dømt til å betale 295 millioner kroner i bot.

De ble dømt for korrupsjon i Libya, India og Russland.

Økokrim mener at selskapet har betalt penger for å skaffe seg fordeler de ellers ikke ville hatt.

Slik korrupsjon er ulovlig.

Yara godtok boten.

Samme dag ble Thorleif Enger tiltalt for grov korrupsjon.

Enger var tidligere konsernsjef i Yara.

Fredag ble det klart at også tre andre er tiltalt i saken.

Dette gjelder Tor Holba, Ken Wallace og Daniel Clauw.

Det skriver Økokrim i en pressemelding.

Alle de fire var ledere i Yara da bestikkelsene skal ha skjedd.

– Jeg kan bekrefte er at det er tatt ut tiltale mot fire personer, sier Marianne Djupesland til nettavisa

Djupesland er førstestatsadvokat i Økokrim.

Det norske selskapet Yara lager og selger gjødsel og kjemikalier.

De jobber i flere enn 50 land.

Saken gjelder to tilfeller av korrupsjon, skriver nyhetsbyrået NTB.

Alle fire er tiltalt for saken i Libya.

Økokrim mener at de har vært med på å betale bestikkelser til sønnen til Libyas oljeminister.

Dette skjedde da Yara forhandlet om å starte kontor i landet.

Tre av dem er også tiltalt for en sak i India.

Der skal Wallace, Clauw og Enger ha betalt bestikkelser til en tjenestemann med mye makt.

Tor Holba er den eneste av de fire som fortsatt jobber i Yara.

Han har ikke samme jobb som tidligere.

John Christan Elden er advokat for Holba.

Han sier at det var Holba som varslet om saken.

I 2011 tok Yara kontakt med Økokrim.

Yara varslet om at det kunne ha skjedd korrupsjon i et prosjekt i Libya.

– Holba er den som brakte denne saken frem i lyset, sier Elden til avisa Dagens Næringsliv.

Staten eier 32,6 prosent av Yara.

Derfor var næringsminister Monica Mæland i møte med lederne i selskapet torsdag.

Etter møtet sa hun at hun vil se rapporten Yara laget da de gransket korrupsjon-saken.

– Det er naturlig å be om den nå når straffesaken er ferdig etterforsket og de godtok boten, sier hun til avisa Dagens Næringsliv.

Hun sier at hun tror politiet har gjort en god jobb.
Thorbjørn Enger, at right in the picture, is charged with taking bribes.

He was previously the CEO of Yara.

Many bosses have been charged with corruption.

Økokrim has investigated the company Yara for many years.

Now, four bosses have together been charged with corruption.

Published: January 17

Updated: Yesterday, 6:25 pm Maren Gjelvik

On Wednesday, the company Yara was sentenced to pay 295 million kroner in fines.

They were convicted of corruption in Libya, India and Russia.

Økokrim believe that the company paid money to obtain benefits that they otherwise would not have had.

Such corruption is illegal.

Yara accepted the fines.

On the same day, Thorleif Enger was charged with abusive corruption.

Enger was previously the CEO of Yara.

On Friday, it became clear that three others were also charged in the case.

This applies to Tor Holba, Ken Wallace and Daniel Clauw.

This was written by the Økokrim in a press release.

The four were managers in Yara when the bribery allegedly took place.

“I can confirm that there are charges against four people,” says Marianne Djupesland to the internet newspaper

Djupesland is the public prosecutor in Økokrim.

The Norwegian company Yara manufactured and sold fertilizer and chemicals.

They worked in more than 50 countries.

The case applies to two cases of corruption, writes news agency NTB.

All four are being prosecuted in cases in Libya.

Økokrim believes that they helped pay bribes to the son of Libya’s oil minister.

This happened when Yara was negotiating to start an office in the country.

Three of them are also being prosecuted in India.

There, Wallace, Clauw and Enger are alleged to have paid bribes to an officer with a lot of power.

Tor Holba is the only one of the four that still works for Yara.

John Christan Elden is the lawyer for Holba.

He says that it was Holba who warned of the case.

In 2011, Yara was contacted by Økokrim.

Yara was warned that there may have been corruption [involved] in a project in Libya.

“Holba is the one who brought this matter to light,” says Elden to the newspaper Dagens Næringsliv.

The state owns 32.6 percent of Yara.

Therefore, the Minister of Trade and Industry, Monica Mæland, met with the company’s leaders on Thursday.

After the meeting, she said the she wants to see the report that Yara made when they investigated the corruption case.

“It is natural for us to ask if the corruption case has now been fully investigated and [Yara] has [agreed to pay the fine],” she said to the newspaper Dagens Næringsliv.

She says that she believes that the police have done a good job.

Saturday, January 18, 2014

[no-en] Klar Tale: Siktet politimann må slutte


Siktet politimann må slutte

En politimann er siktet for drap på en kvinne.

Mannen må slutte i jobben sin.
Publisert: I går kl. 11:24
Gøril Huse og nyhetsbyrået NTB

En politimann er siktet for forsettlig drap på Linn Madelen Bråthen.

33-åringen ble funnet død i vannet lørdag 3. august i fjor.

Hun ble funnet ved Sandøya utenfor Brevik.

Politimannen ble først siktet for falsk forklaring.

Siktelsen ble etterpå endret til drap.

Det skjedde etter at etterforskerne mener Bråthen ble kastet eller dyttet ut fra brua.

Politimannen har ikke fått kommet på jobb siden 13. august i fjor.

Nå er han oppsagt og må slutte som politi.

Den 13. januar bestemte ansettelsesrådet i Telemark politidistrikt at mannen skulle avskjediges.

De mener det er alvorlig at han har forklart seg feil og blandet private forhold med jobben.

– Måten politimannen har handlet på, kan skade tilliten som er nødvendig for å jobbe som politibetjent, mener Rita Kilvær, Hun er politimester i Telemark.

Det er Riksadvokaten som bestemmer om mannen blir tiltalt for drap.

Det er ventet at det vil være bestemt i løpet av kort tid, i følge NRK.

Arne Lie er politimannens advokat.

Han sier at politimannen ikke godtar å måtte slutte.

Han vil klage på avgjørelsen.

Han sier til NRK at politidistriktet burde ventet med denne saken til spørsmålet om drapssaken ble avklart.

The charged policeman must quit

A policeman has been charged with killing a woman.

The man must quit his job.
Published: Yesterday, 11:24pm
Gøril Huse and news agency NTB

A policeman is charged with the intentional killing of Linn Madelen Bråthen.

The 33 year old was found dead in the water on Saturday, August 3, last year.

She was found near Sandøya, outside of Brevik.

The policeman was first charged with perjury.

The charges were later changed to murder.

It happened after investigators concluded that Bråthen fell into the water after being pushed from the bridge.

The policeman has not reported to work since August 13 of last year.

Now, he has been dismissed and must quit [his job] as a policeman.

On January 13, the employment agency in Telemark police district stated that the man should be dismissed.

They state that it is serious that he perjured and mixed private matters with his job.

The way the policeman handled the matter could damage the confidence [the public has in the police, which] is necessary for police officers, says Rita Kilvær; she is the police chief in Telemark.

There are attorneys that decide that the man will be prosecuted for the murder.

It’s expected that it will be decided shortly, according to [news agency] NRK.

Arne Lie is the policeman’s lawyer.

He says that the policeman did not receive any orders to quit his job.

He wants to complain about the decision.

He said to NRK that the police district should have waited until the questions surrounding the murder case have been cleared up.

[de-fr-en] Irie Révoltés - ALLEZ

L’an 2013
C’est à toi, lui et elle de créer un changement
Partout tout le monde allez

Weltweit sind Menschen, die protestiern,
denn von oben nach untern wird globalisiert,
Gewinner, Verlierer von Märkten diktiern,
immer mehr merken, dass es so nicht funktioniert.

Wann, wenn nicht jetzt und wo, wenn nicht hier,
wer, wenn nicht wir, wir ham nichts zu verliern,
Zeit für was Neues, für neue Ideen,
also Leute auf geht's, gemeinsam: "ALLEZ"!

Allez! Allez!
Allez! Allez!
Allez! Allez!

dans tous les coins du monde
c'est la veille d'une explosion

partout y a des gens qui ont de la colère
ils sont plus prêt à vivre dans la misère
crises des systèmes, crise financière
les gens se révoltent, ils se laissent plus faire

ALLEZ tu peix créer un changement
déjà perdu assez de temps

il faut pas hésiter - fait le premier pas
ici, aujourd'hui, maintenant, et là-bas
nous tous ensemble, toi, lui, elle et moi
on va avancer - allez - on y va!

Allez! Allez!
Allez! Allez!
Allez! Allez!

on va tous les chanter - ouais on est prêt
on va pas plaisanter!
on va tous avancer - ouais on est prêt
on va pas plaisanter! on est prêt á bouger

Alles, wir bauen jetzt Druck auf,
schlagen Alarm aus dem Funkhaus.
Allez, und geht nie die Luft aus,
bringen unsre Message weltweit in Umlauf.
Wir rennen, wir kennen keinen Stillstand,
neue Ideen sprengen jeden Bildrand.
Zusammen verlassen wir den Holzweg,
geben nicht auf, bis die Welt auf dem Kopf steht.

Allez! Allez!
Allez! Allez!
Allez! Allez!

The year 2013
It’s up to you, him and her to create change
Everywhere, everyone, let’s go

Worldwide, there are people who protest
because from top to bottom will be globalized (?)
Winners and losers are determined by the market
Not noticing anymore that it really doesn’t work

When, if not now? And where, if not here?
Who, if not us? We’ve got nothing to lose
Time for something new, for a new idea.
So people, let’s go, together [shout]: “Come on!”

Come on! x6

In every corner of the world,
it’s the eve of an explosion

Everywhere, there are people who are choleric
They are more ready to live in misery
Systemic crises, Financial crises
The people rise up, they leave themselves alone

Come on, you can create change
Already lost most of the time

Don’t hesitate, take the first step
Right here, today, right now, and over there
We, all together, you, him, her and me:
We’ll proceed – come on- let’s go!

Come on! X6

We’ll sing together – yeah, we’re ready
Don’t joke!
We’ll proceed together – yeah, we’re ready
Don’t joke! We are ready to move

Now we’re building everything on pressure
Sound the alarm from the radio station
Let’s go, and it never goes off air
Circulating our message worldwide
We’re running, not familiar with standing still
New ideas burst from the margins of the screen
Together, we leave the wrong path
Don’t give up until the world is upside down.

Come on! X6